Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wizard's Duel

I beat someone in a wizard's duel by one point. 



You were a worthy opponent and I wish you well my fellow wizard!

Should I be Upset or No?

You see, I’ve had this crush on this guy since the beginning of this school year. Problem is, I rarely see him. I had a class with him last year and then…the end. I only see him around campus or at the fraternity he’s a part of.

I told my roommate Jane about him last year, and she asked if I still liked him this year and I said yes. She has liked this other guy who is also part of the same fraternity as Kevin (the guy I like. Also, I changed his name) since beginning of May. She has classes with Kevin and next semester a majority of her classes will be with him. A month or so ago, she said she was giving up on the guy she likes and focusing more on Kevin.

I’m upset because she knows I like him. She even convinced me to ask him to dance once at a party (didn’t get the chance ‘cause he didn’t show up until the party was basically over). And now she wants to go out with him?

Then again, do I really have a shot? I don’t have opportunities to talk to him, and Jane has and seems to like him now. I’m just really confused, and I want to know if I have the right to be upset, even though I barely know the guy…

So, if anyone reads this, I’d really appreciate it for a comment or two. Even if it’s a “You’re stupid.” At least I’ll have some sort of opinion on this.

Bucket List or Random Facts?

Should I do a list of what’s on my bucket list, or should I make a list of random facts about me?

I’m not sure which one I should do. Any advice? Or do any of you, my lovely followers, have a preference?

(P.S. I'm going to make like 3-4 posts in a row. I made these over the course of the day Tuesday on tumblr, but forgot to post them here. So...yeah...)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Glee Lovers Everywhere

Was on omegle for the first time in forever, and had a long chat with this person "Drew" about Glee. Made my night.

Also talking to one of my friends on the phone while she's on omegle. She's been having some pretty interesting conversations haha

Friday, December 9, 2011

Say Yes to the Dress

I'm watching Say Yes to the Dress right now. Love this show and seeing all the pretty dresses. What surprises me is that, yes I do think about my own future wedding, but what I really think about when I watch this show is:

"I can't wait to see my friends/cousins get married. I hope they let me help them pick out the dress. I hope I'm a bride's maid. What if I'm the maid of honor?! Oh that's a lot of responsibility but I love them, so I'll do whatever I can!"

Is that strange? Don't get me wrong, I do imagine what my wedding dress could look like, but I always seem to think about other people's weddings. I think I just want to go or be part of a wedding. It's so beautiful and it represents so much. I imagine I'll be crying the whole time.

Just thought I'd share that.

(P.S. I didn't mention that I'm home for winter break. First semester and finals are over! Yaaay!)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hold on to Sixteen: Glee Review

Alright here are my thoughts on tonight's Glee episode.
  • Sam's return to glee-Really confused why Finn thought they needed him to be there. Don't get me wrong, I love Sam, but they could have brought him back to McKinley in a different fashion.
  • Blaine/Sam drama- NOT COOL. I think Blaine was way out of line on that one, and there was nothing to show that Blaine and Sam are okay now. By the way, how did Blaine know about Sam being a stripper? My only guess is that Rachel told Kurt because she can't hold water, and Kurt told Blaine because Kurt tells Blaine everything. Still, I think what Blaine said was wrong. I love him, but that was wrong.
  • Blaine/Finn drama-Ughh...I expected more. That confrontation was really weak and I think Blaine gave in too early. I mean, Finn didn't even say he was sorry for Christ's sake! I wanted them to be friends, but I feel like...after episodes of tension...they could have done something better than that.
  • Quinn- Finally, she's grown up! I've been waiting for her to realize that what she was doing was wrong. Her change of heart at the end was nice, a little "Woah, that's a huge change" but it was nice.
  • Samcedes- I'm a fan. I'm hoping it will pull through. Not much to say on that one.
  • Tina/Mike- Thank you for finally having Mr. Chang see the light! Mike Chang is amazing and everyone should know it. Tina, you are a goddess for making Mr. Chang see the light. I'm glad you finally got to sing. I hope they use your character more often. Again, love Mike Chang and Tina.
The performances were great. I loved them all. I do think I liked the Trouble Tone's performance better than New Directions, but hey, I'm glad they all go together at the end. The ending song "We Are Young" was perfect. Overall, it was a good show. Just...Blaine's parts threw me off.

Oh, I am happy to see some character development with him: boxing because he wanted to defend himself after the bullies, creating the fight club. Interesting...Wait, did he make the fight club when he was a freshman?! Cause I have a feeling it wasn't while he was a sophomore. RIB, did you think this through?

This is another Glee Review. Ella signing out!

P.S. Forgot to mention: I wanna punch Sebastian in the face. I <3 Klaine with a passion. Bye!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday is a Fun-Day

Today has been a pretty good day. I really had only one class and that was listening to presentations. I did my presentation on Monday. Then my second class was optional but I went anyway to learn about what was going to be on the final. Class lasted less than fifteen minutes.

Afterwards I made some really good brownies and gave some to my friends. I hung out with two of them in another dorm and then went to eat with a few. We ended up staying the DugOut area trying the Sudoku puzzles in the campus newspaper. We were so goofy, and I loved it. I love hanging out with them. Then we came back to my room, set up the gamecube, played some Mario Kart and now we have the Wii set up playing Brawl. I played for a bit but now I'm here at work. It's okay, I enjoyed my night with my friends.

The only downside was that we were supposed to be playing the wii/gamecube starting around four when I was making the brownies but since we were going to use Cathy's tv (which is on Jane's desk) we had to wait until Jane cleaned her area before we could set anything up. She didn't show up until almost seven o'clock. I think Cathy was upset and so was I, but it let me hang out with my friends so I'm okay that it was delayed.

But today is my fun day. It was my last day of classes. Everything is turned in and now I only have two finals: Wednesday and Thursday. Then I'm on the bus home on Thursday afternoon. I'll start studying for my Thursday test (the only one I can study for) tomorrow. Wish me luck!