Monday, June 27, 2011

Another HP Update and Other Stuff...

Technically it hasn't been 11 days since my last post. I was typing yesterday but I wasn't able to finish. Anywho, on to juicy info!

So..there was a major storm here where I am and I didn't have Internet access for a while.
And now with my brother's basketball tournament this weekend, I've just been super busy. So, I apologise to everyone!

Now, Harry Potter news. Did you go to the website? Apparently there's going to be this Harry Potter extreme reading experience where you become even more apart of the story. J.K. Rowling is also going to give us information that she's kept to herself about the story, things that she decided not to add in.

Point is, go to the website: It will give you more information than I can.

Oh, just wanted to put this shout out. My brother and his team made third place this weekend. Super proud of them! They made second in last weekend's tournament, so I think they're an amazing team. Go Stampedes!

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