Friday, December 9, 2011

Say Yes to the Dress

I'm watching Say Yes to the Dress right now. Love this show and seeing all the pretty dresses. What surprises me is that, yes I do think about my own future wedding, but what I really think about when I watch this show is:

"I can't wait to see my friends/cousins get married. I hope they let me help them pick out the dress. I hope I'm a bride's maid. What if I'm the maid of honor?! Oh that's a lot of responsibility but I love them, so I'll do whatever I can!"

Is that strange? Don't get me wrong, I do imagine what my wedding dress could look like, but I always seem to think about other people's weddings. I think I just want to go or be part of a wedding. It's so beautiful and it represents so much. I imagine I'll be crying the whole time.

Just thought I'd share that.

(P.S. I didn't mention that I'm home for winter break. First semester and finals are over! Yaaay!)

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