Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hello Campus

I am all moved in, unpacked and ready for classes tomorrow. I'm not happy that I have classes tomorrow, but what can you do?

What I really want to talk about is my roommate situation. Or shall I say roomateS. I don't think I'm going to like this very well. To be honest, I didn't want to room with two people. I was prepared and used to living with one person, but now I'm with two people. The original person I was supposed to room with I became friends with during first semester last year. Let's call her Jane. Jane then became good friends with another girl, who we'll call Cathy, during the second semester. Cathy ended up not having anyone to room with for this year and Jane asked me if I wanted to be in a three-person room.

I wanted to say no. But I ended up agreeing. I hate feeling cornered and that's what Jane did. She asked me right in front of the girl, days before we had to sign up for rooms for this year. What was I supposed to say? No!?! Yeah, I know I should have, but I'm pretty sure many of you would have done the same thing.

Cathy and Jane are fine. I think they are interesting people. We get along okay. I just don't feel comfortable living with them. I miss my old roommate. We felt comfortable around each other, we talked, everything was perfect (except we lived on the 7th floor). I'm not sure I can live like this for a whole year. I usually stay on my bed and come on tumblr because I don't know how to get away from the awkwardness.

I don't know. Maybe I'll get used to it. Maybe I'll feel differently as the days go by. But right now, I actually just want to go home.

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