Then she's always on the phone. She'll talk to this one guy, and they'll argue and whatnot, and she'll be like "You know what, I'm not listening anymore." and she'll put the phone down and walk away. Eventually the dude hangs up. Here's the kicker, today he basically does it to her and she gets super pissed. It's like, what the hell, you hypocritical lunatic?! You just did that to him yesterday. And she knows that talking to these people will make her get into a bad mood, and yet she calls them anyway!
And she's not very clean. The bottles of water, pop, and Gatorade as slowly been increasing on her desk. It's aggravating. And there's random scraps of paper on the floor. Pick it up if you dropped it. Not that hard. And her stuff is just everywhere. We each get our own desk, dresser, wardrobe, and bookshelf. She's got crap all over her desk and around the desk which is in front of my wardrobe (which means I have to move shit in order to get dressed in the morning), all on top of her dresser (completely just thrown there. It's disgusting. Her toothbrush just sits there out in the open), and nothing in the bookshelf. Yet! She puts crap on top of my dresser.
I am going out of my mind in here! I don't know how Cathy can take it. And, we're on bunkbeds, me on the top bunk, and we can't rearrange the room until the end of September. Why? Because SOMEONE wants to wait until her friends from home get here to help move everything. We could have just got random guys in our building plus our (mine since she basically said she's no longer friends with them) friends on campus to help us. But noooooooo! So I'm stuck up here for another couple of weeks.
I've gotten to the point that I'm starting to feel depressed and I want to cry all the time. I try my hardest not to be in my dorm room anymore.
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