Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Idea?

So, it was labor day weekend and while I did go on tumblr and I didn't actually write anything to post. Okay, that's a lie but I decided not to post it.

But what I really want to talk about is this great idea that will make it so I do post regularly every week. Why not have a "Tell Me Something Thursday"? Basically, I'm either going to write something about myself, something interesting that's happened that I haven't mentioned before, or my opinion on something YOU MY FOLLOWERS send to me as a comment/into my ask box.

Now, I'll still write randomly whenever I wish to, but at least I can promise that there will be a post every Thursday from now on. So, that's my update for you guys. I hope you enjoy it. If you have anything you want to me to write about, send a question! I'll love you all forever!

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