Friday, October 7, 2011

Fed Up Some More

I'm glad that I found out that I did that stupid philosophy layout wrong. That means you got it wrong too, since you copied everything I wrote. She didn't even read the article. She just asked what I wrote and tried to rewrite it in her own words.

And they finally cleaned!

Thank you Cheesus! They only cleaned their crap because Janet's friends are coming this weekend. And they keep saying they need a vaccumm because the floor is gross. Yes, yes it is. Who's fault is that? The art major who leaves scraps of paper everywhere (Cathy) and the lazy bio/pre-pharmacy major who doesn't know how to eat properly (Jane). Yeah that's right!

I have pictures of how it looked before. If you wanna see, let me know by sending a message or liking my post. I don't mind sharing. It's ridiculous. There's still rotting apples in front of me and an old napkin with this wrapper from bred Jane ate a week ago, sitting in front of me. I refuse to clean it. And I refuse to get the vaccumm again. They both really don't want to do anything and I'm not going to be their maid.

I refuse.

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